Arrival/Dismissal Information:

Arrival: 7:20-7:45 AM

  • All students should arrive between 7:20 AM and 7:45 AM in the back parking lot.

  • All students arriving AFTER 7:45 AM, will NEED to report to the main office with parents present and receive an admittance slip to class.

  • If your child is a Pre-K, kindergarten, or 1st grade will sign in at the front office, receive your child's admittance slip, and then drive to the Pre-K or K-1 building. If they are a 2nd-5th grader they can walk independently to their classroom.

Dismissal: 2:40 PM

  • NO Transportation CHANGES will be made after 2:00 PM. No exceptions.

  • Please make every effort to make all TRANSPORTATION CHANGES in writing. This is for the safety of your child.

  • First Load Bus Dimissal will begin at 2:40 PM, followed by 2nd load buses upon arrive.

  • Car Riders will be dismissed at 2:40 PM. All parents need to pick up their child at one of the designated stars by the cafe. All children will be assigned a "dash tag with a number" that needs to be visible in the window of their car. ONLY share this number with members of your family. This is an extra layer of protection for your child.

  • Each family will be issued ONE dash tag. If you have multiple cars picking up your child, you may verbally share the number with your family members or create your own additional dash tags.

SIT (School Improvement Team) DATES FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR:

All meetings are held in the library at 3:15.


Oct. 2

Nov. 6

Dec. 4

Jan. 8

Feb. 5

March 5

April 2

May 7